Maximise your training budget...
We understand that it's important to be able to show value for money when allocating your training and development budget. We'll not only help you find or develop the right training workshop, we also have a number of ways that you can save money on:
- Public workshops (when training individuals).
- In-house workshops (when training groups and teams).
- Training your trainers.
Savings on our public workshops* (training individuals):
- Indigo Learning Credits – substantial savings off every workshop.
- NHS staff – save 30%.
- Booking more than one place – save up to 15%.
- Registered UK Charities – save up to 15%.
*Savings are based on full-price public workshops (excluding Trainer accreditation, re-accreditation, special events and in-house courses). Terms and conditions apply.
Substantial cost saving with in-house workshops, when training a group or team:
Our online and face-to-face in-house workshops are ideal for training groups and teams. They are the easiest way of training many delegates, making the most of your budget and reducing the need for costly delegate travel. They are:
- Customised.
- Flexible.
- Focused.
- Global.
- Environmentally friendly and cost efficient.
Enquire about online and face-to-face in-house training.
When training your trainers:
Accrediting your own trainers is the most cost-effective way to offer our most popular workshops within your organisation. You or your in-house trainers will be taught by some of Indigo’s globally recognised Master Trainers, who have been specially authorised to train these programmes to other trainers, to the highest standard. Once successful, you will be authorised to dovetail our award-winning programmes into your training plans, at a fraction of the normal cost.