Dr Edward de Bono
Dr. Edward de Bono is the world’s leading authority on conceptual thinking. Conceptual thinking is the driver of innovation, leadership, creativity, and problem solving.
Since 1970 his exclusive tools and methods have brought astonishing results to organisations and individuals worldwide. His advanced training solutions help lead to success in challenging times.
Dr. de Bono has developed simple, practical and powerful thinking techniques. His workshops include Six Thinking Hats®,Lateral Thinking, Power of Perception (formerly DATT), Focus On Facilitation™ and Simplicity. All are easy to understand, yet have power to change thinking behaviour, increase productivity, foster team-building, and evoke profitable innovation.
Born in Malta, de Bono was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. He is an M.D. and Ph.D., and has held posts at Oxford and Cambridge, the University of London, and Harvard. He has written over 70 books, and his work has been translated into over 40 languages.
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